The Rational Egoist

Welcome to my blog. My name is Steve Giardina. I consider myself to be a student of the philosophy of Objectivism, and these are my many thoughts. Feel free to leave comments, as well as your opinions.

"In the name of the best within you, do not sacrifice this world to those who are its worst. In the name of the values that keep you alive, do not let your vision of man be distorted by the ugly, the cowardly, the mindless in those who have never achieved his title. Do not lose your knowledge that man's proper estate is an upright posture, an intransigent mind and a step that travels unlimited roads. Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it's yours." Ayn Rand


Suggested Reading [Suggested Reading] — Steve Giardina @ 2:49 pm

I’d like to suggest the following works of fiction and non-fiction for serious study. The following are written by Ayn Rand unless otherwise noted:

1. The Fountainhead
2. Atlas Shrugged
3. We the Living
4. Anthem
5. Night of January 16th
6. The Early Ayn Rand
7. The Virtue of Selfishness (with additional articles by Nathaniel Branden)
8. Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (with additional articles by Alan Greenspan, Nathaniel Branden, and Robert Hessen)
9. Philosophy: Who Needs It
10. For the New Intellectual
11. The Romantic Manifesto
12. The Voice of Reason (with additional articles by Leonard Peikoff and Peter Schwartz)
13. Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution (with additional articles by Peter Schwartz)
14. Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology Expanded Second Edition (edited by Harry Binswanger and Leonard Peikoff)
15. Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand by Leonard Peikoff
16. The Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff
17. Loving Life by Craig Biddle
18. Viable Values by Tara Smith
19. The Prime Movers by Edwin A. Locke
20. The Ayn Rand Reader edited by Gary Hull and Leonard Peikoff
21. The Letters of Ayn Rand
22. Journals of Ayn Rand
23. The Biological Basis of Teleological Concepts by Harry Binswanger
24. Study Methods and Motivation by Edwin A. Locke
25. The Art of Nonfiction
26. The Art of Fiction
27. Why Businessmen Need Philosophy
28. The Ayn Rand Letter

I have read (and sometimes re-read) the majority of these books, and the ones that I have not read I am in the process of reading. This list is by no means exhaustive, and is in no particular order of importance. For those of you who are interested in learning more about Objectivism and want to know where to start, I offer the following resources:
The Ayn Rand Institute
The Ayn Rand Bookstore
Essentials of Objectivism
or you can contact me through either the AIM or e-mail links on the right hand side of this page.

I will add any books and/or resources as I become aware of them.

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